Today marks the Opening of the 2022 Hawaii Legislative Session! Per the State Constitution, Session must begin on the third Wednesday of January and can be for a maximum of 100 days, typically convening for around 60 Legislative Work Days, meaning days the legislature is in Session. This year, January 19th and will close on May 5th sine die, or adjourned with no set date to come back yet.
The 2022 Session will undoubtedly be filled with legislation spanning topics of interest to diverse groups and people throughout Hawaii. As a reminder, YDHI will be focusing on Transportation, Housing, Sustainability, and Health as indicated most important by general membership and can be found in our 2022 Membership Insights and Legislative Priorities Report.
To help you better navigate the upcoming Session, please find below two infographics to give you a foundational understanding of 1) Using the Capitol website and 2) Tracking Legislation on the Capitol Website. We hope these tools will be useful in your navigation of this year's Session.
If you're interested in getting more involved in the Legislative Process or have questions about anything related to Session, feel free to email or stop by YDHI Legislative Committee Meetings, which occur on the second and fourth Thursday of each month (next meeting will be Thurs., Jan. 27th!). Happy Session!!
Kaleo Chang
Director of Research and Policy
Legislative Committee Chair
